Carla Gimeno Jaria


Carla Gimeno Jaria is a contemporary art curator, researcher and writer based in Barcelona (ES) and London (UK). Her art research investigates alternative world-views for decolonisation through exhibition-making, narratives and methodologies that critically engage with Eurocentrism and cognitive and physical borders.

She holds an MA in Curating & Collections from the University of the Arts London and a Postgraduate in Contemporary Art Theory from the University of Barcelona. She has worked as assistant curator at The Koppel Project (London) and Chelsea Space (London) and has written articles for METAL Magazine (Barcelona), El Punt Avui (Barcelona), OnCurating (Zurich) and Hänsel i Gretel (Barcelona). She is currently the Curator and Project Manager at Rebobinart (Barcelona), a cultural entity that develops art projects in public spaces. She is also the co-founder of trans-,  a curatorial collective that establishes a framework for critical thinking, research and exhibition-making by working with artists whose practice questions the impact of the globalisation and semio-capitalism on the social body. 


“The inherent claims of performance for the open-end artwork, the living body, the social engagement within a relational space or the dissolution of authorship, are cynically dismantled as a consequence of the neoliberalist construction of the individual, whose longing for material and immaterial capital seems inescapable.”

Re-addressing Languages. Final dissertation MA Curating & Collections, Carla Gimeno Jaria, 2018

“Performance itself, alienated from its material form, has become a commodified experience for the spectators, which individual desires are constructed by neoliberal capitalist ideologies. Accordingly, the valuable body of the performer and the performance itself as a commodity blur the possibilities to enact a critical statement.”

Re-addressing Languages. Final dissertation MA Curating & Collections, Carla Gimeno Jaria, 2018

“The border might be a divisive entity, but it also offers a grid for resisting and reacting to the state of affairs, where to go beyond imposed divisions by unleashing a critical response to these constructed identities and social divisions. Even though Border Art is offering only a temporary rupture to these preestablished regulations and separations, it has translated the meaning of the border into something else: a space where bi-national encounters and friendships have emerged against all odds. In this scenario, thus, art goes beyond the traditional display because it rather becomes a method to temporally circumvent the rituals of violence and expulsion imposed on the borderlands by the ruling power.”

What Borders Can Do. To be published this 2020 in OnCurating magazine, Carla Gimeno Jaria

“Yet, what remains essential in this transformative process of the border, as a site for social resistance and political action, is collaboration. By engaging with a given political geography and social framework, Border Art shows that it is needed, more than ever, ongoing processes of collaboration: between nations, between artists and community, between communities, between artists and curators and so on. It is imperative, therefore, to use collaboration as a tool to actively dare an imposed physical division and trigger critical reactions that will eventually echo worldwide.”

What Borders Can Do. To be published this 2020 in OnCurating magazine, Carla Gimeno Jaria

“The acceleration of information exchange and the pressures of semiocapitalism constantly force our actions and attitudes into a punishing cycle of productivity, focused on short term stability, not sustainability. How do we envision our future from within this system? How do we channel our energies and desires into nurturing a healthy social body, rather than perpetuating an individualist fantasy?”

Text for the exhibition Hold On. Written by trans- (Carla Gimeno Jaria and Laura Callegaro), 2019
